Sling Your Laterals, Love

This week’s anatomy blog is all about the wonders of the lateral sling. If you’re scrunching up your nose, thinking, “the lateral, what?”  let me elaborate…

In your magnificent human body, there are large sections that work as a functional unit (or at least that’s what they’re supposed to do). One you often hear me talking about it is the posterior chain. This is the collection of muscles and fascia that run along the back of your body. But often one section might get weak! For example, the glutes may atrophy from too much sitting. And another may get tight, for example, the hamstrings from …. (no prizes for guessing), too much sitting!


Well the lateral line, is the side of your body. It starts off in the inner arch of your foot and runs all the way along the side of the leg, the body, all way through to the inner arm and down to the fingers.


Although we don’t have many daily movements that work this line specifically, we need the functionality of the lateral sling to be in good working order, to perform daily movements like a pro (eg. walking). Also, if sections such as the lats get too tight, they will affect your posture which can result in neck and shoulder pain.


Modern life (and don’t get me started on quarantine life), doesn’t support this line and allow you to get the most out of it. This is why we need to give it some love. Below are three simple exercise suggestions you can add to your next practice.

Exercise One

Supported side planks with a lower and lift. Make sure you keep your bottom leg straight to add more tension to the lateral line.

This exercise takes the hip portion of the lateral sling into its full range concentrically (muscles shortening) and eccentrically (muscles lengthening under load). Make sure to really lift your side body up as high as possible, as if a string is connected to the hip, as you go up.

Exercise Two
This is basically a simple side stretch but by taking the non-weight-bearing leg behind the standing leg, and pulling on the arm, the lateral sling gets more than it paid for.

Make sure your front leg is a little bent and then rotate your chest either towards the ceiling or floor, depending on where you want to put extra juicy love.

Exercise Three
Soooo this looks like a boring old triangle pose, BUT if you pull your hip away from your fingers, and fingers from your hip, it's one you'll fall in love with. Even more handy is if you have a friend (or door handle) to grab hold of with your top hand. Then pull the hips away as you rotate your body up.

All new information to you? I’ve got you covered with so much more juicy info in the new book I wrote with my best friend, Adel

Click here to get your very own!

Sending oceans of love,



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