Balance Upside Down To Wellness

I wanted to share some cool insights about why it's good for you to go upside down regularly.

1. Calming and stress-relieving - When you go upside down it increases circulation to the brain, delivering more oxygen which improves concentration and makes your mind sharp.

2. Improves balance - Inversions strengthen the neurological pathways from the brain to the body making the body stronger in the tasks it's already used to. For example, balancing on your legs.

3. Increased bone density - When your hands and head connect to the floor, cells called osteoclasts to come and clear away cold bone, while osteoblasts come and build new bone in your arms and neck.

I also thought I would share my three best tips to have incredible balance:

  1. Stand on one leg with your eyes closed and then repeat on the other side. If one side is easier than the other, stand on the weaker leg when you brush your teeth to help equalise your strength.

  2. In yoga we always want you to keep your gaze steady but to progress in a pose and challenge your balance to see if you can move your head around or even close your eyes. Yikes, that's hard!

  3. If you're getting confident in a pose work on making the surface you're standing on softer. Like, add an extra mat when you're in yoga next. This is super good for the nervous system.

Finally, I really wanted to share these three little health tips with you, as I believe when you're healthy it's easier to be happy. They're not rocket science, you know these tips quite well. But it's still good to have the occasional reminders as even my most healthy friends and I forget them sometimes.

1. Drink more water. Most people don't drink enough water. We drink lots of fluids but rarely just water in its purest form. You need water for every cell function in the body. Often tiredness, headaches, and sore muscles are just signs of dehydration.

2. Eat more raw. Raw vegetables are like giant vitamin pills. They also have a high water content but the added bonus is they help the body to repair due to their high nutrient content. Most of these nutrients are lost during cooking, so where possible make an effort to have a little more raw in every meal.

3. Introduce a 5-10 minute meditation before bed. In the beginning, you might not feel all the benefits, but after a short time you will feel calmer, your sleep will improve, your mind will be sharper, and you will have a more positive disposition.

Sending loads of love,


Buff Up Your DNFs


Sling Your Laterals, Love