Periods Are Anti-Gravity?

I spent a bit of time looking into the world of periods and if there is any risk associated with doing inversions as you surf the crimson wave. Currently, I  haven't found any quality resources that warn against it. Of course, that doesn't mean you should pop upside down! If you prefer to stay upright for personal or spiritual reasons then that is perfect. 


Just know that, at our current level of scientific understanding, nothing bad will happen in your body if you do decide to turn your gown upside down.

At the bottom of this email is a little reference list if you find this topic of particular interest.

Sending love,


p.s. Thank you for all your support and if you ever need anything, I'm just an email away.


  • ‌Belluck, P. (2016). Periods in Space Are Not That Different, Though a Bit More Complicated. The New York Times. [online] 21 Apr. Available at:

  • Bieber, E. J., Sanfilippo, J. S., Mahmood I. Shafi, I. R., & Shafi, M. L. (2015, p. 205). Clinical Gynecology, Cambridge University Press.

  • Halme, J., Hammond, M.G., Hulka, J.F., Raj, S.G. and Talbert, L.M. (1984). Retrograde menstruation in healthy women and in patients with endometriosis. Obstetrics and Gynecology, [online] 64(2), pp.151–154. Available at:

  • Willy Davila, G. (2018). What is the role of retrograde menstruation in the etiology of endometriosis? [online] Medscape. Available at:

  • Sourial, S., Tempest, N. and Hapangama, D.K. (2014). Theories on the Pathogenesis of Endometriosis. [online] International Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Available at:


Sling Your Laterals, Love


Our Narcissistic Glutes