Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Moving...

A controversial topic causing almost as much global division as the American election is POSTURE. Some say that it doesn't matter at all, others say that it's essential. Friendships ended, enemies armoured up.

Since noticing the controversy unravel I realised that I place a fairly high level of importance on posture, and perhaps climbing back onto the fence would be wise. Nobody likes a biased skewed opinion heavy hot-head, and so decided to step out of my bubble and call up various clinicians from all over the world to get their take on it.

This is what I discovered:

1. Oily Hinges

Movement is the most important factor for a healthy body. If you have incredible posture but you never move out of it, it can be problematic resulting in pain and dysfunction. We need to keep moving regularly for joints to function like they're fresh off an oily production line.

2. Variety is Spicey... and Sweet (and all the tasty things)

Movement variety benefits from some neutral awareness. If movement is needed to maintain health, then it's worth knowing where the middle of the range is so that movement can travel THROUGH and EITHER SIDE of neutral. If our joint position is stuck and there is no clue where the middle is (or if it even exists) then the movement will be limited to the narrow range the joint currently knows and loves.

3. Moving House

Posture isn't necessarily an issue, unless under excessive load. If you always sit, walk, dress with a slouched posture, chances are that when it's time to relocate the sofa your brain will keep you in that slouched posture (because that is all it knows).

This is often when people throw their backs out. They have no clue how to come into neutral, so why would they change their spine into an optimal shape when the sofa's load requires them to?

Remember that the weight of the sofa (or any object) is variable. The length of time spent in a single position is another variable that changes. Yes, movement is our ultimate goal, but if you're a hacker and you can't peel yourself away from your computer, it's worth putting your spine in a position that can withstand the load of gravity over time.

There is a WHOLE lot more to this complex subject which is why I have my Spine and Posture LIVE Online Workshop.

Loads of love,


Yoga With A Bop


Poke That Booty