Episode 10: Does alignment in Yoga matter? with Diana Florio


Unsure how to teach the core? Wondering how important is core engagement in Yoga? Intention is everything. Diana kicks off the podcast addressing the cues that need to be revised and why they aren't as helpful as we once thought. Then, Diana breaks down the core biomechanics behind plank pose, the importance of the core and diaphragm, and potential compensations that occur with an inefficient core. Futhermore, she explains the pressure system through different postural positions, whether alignment in Yoga matters, if engaging the core 30% is needed, and how to find that 30% activation. Moreover, Diana speaks into the diaphragm and describes its link with several systems on the body. She speaks into how to shift the language, in Yoga cueing, around the core, and how the Threes PhysioYoga method embraces that education. Finally, she shares her biggest takeaway in life.

Learn More with Diana
Threes PhyysioYoga Method


Episode 11: An Ex-Ballerina's Take On Core Engagement with Amy Carmody


Episode 9: Does Yoga Need A Tight Core? with Hannah Barrett