Movement Is The Perfect Posture

It's kinda hard for me to admit this, but I was wrong and I want to apologise for giving you inaccurate information.

See, I was keen to share what had been a game-changer for me. I had been living in pain, and as soon as I sorted out my sloppy posture, my pain disappeared.

I wanted to help other people that were also struggling, and so I talked about the neutral S-curve in all of my emails, classes, and training.

Now I'm realising that my language around this topic was inaccurate. To hold and maintain a neutral spine is not only impossible, it's also really unhealthy. To be healthy, YOU NEED TO MOVE!


Does this mean posture doesn't matter at all?



I am currently on a neuroscience course and learning that an unsupported body impacts the signals to the brain from multiple systems in the body, especially the respiratory system. This probably explains why my pain improved when my posture improved.

In a nutshell, HOW we move is important, but not as much as MOVING ITSELF! 

This is the way I see it (at this point in time):

  1. Keep Moving - Movement is better than no movement, even if it's not optimal.

  2. Move Well - Be tall, relax your face, breathe smoothly, and try to make what you're doing look easy. This will trick the nervous system that perceived threat is low and therefore a pain response would be inappropriate.

  3. Static - When we are forced to sit for a long time it's worth, every now and then, to sit up tall to de-load our joints and get our muscles to wake up.

I have an extensive list of references I put together when I created my Spine and Posture Workshop. If you'd like to take a peak at them, then reply and I'll forward them on :o)

My workshop bundle that covers the spine, hips, and shoulders is available! 

Click here to access them now


Sending love,


p.s. I'd like to take this time to say a sincere thank you for all the support you've shown me this year. I don't know what I did to deserve an amazing person like you in my world, but I promise to keep working hard and sharing all the things I learn :) 


Poke That Booty


Mama Your Feet