Is Your brain Hungry?

THE BRAIN (cue violins), is possibly the most enthralling evolutionary marvel on this planet.


I’m currently on a course all about neurology and I wanted to share some of my take aways, in an effort to help your brain get bigger (that’s right, brainsexpand and contract in relation to your habits, and when it comes to brains, bigger is better).

Brains Need Fuel to Function

Brainy fuel sources are: Glucose and Oxygen. Which means that adequate healthy food and effective breathing is key to its function.

Now don’t go reading glucose and think, “I can finish off all the Ben&Jerry’s guilt free!” Unfortunately, refined sugars cause inflammation and this has a negative effect on memory. What the brain really wants is FAT! It is comprised of 60% fat and is the fattiest organ in the human body.


However, during lock down we may struggle with the motivation to keep cooking (let’s be honest making three meals a day is a ball ache, and don’t get me started about the washing up). Still, no matter how badly you want to throw the towel in and scream, “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” your brain needs this fuel. 


So here is my top tip: Make a massive pot of something that you can keep returning to. It might be boring eating the same meal a few times, but at least you won’t have to keep doing the dishes (praise be!).

In addition to glucose, your brain needs OXYGEN. This is where we are faced with another lockdown conundrum. The lack of natural movement (walking) means we are probably sitting many more hours a day, than usual. Movement, standing and walking enable our bodies to return to a neutral S curve in the spine. Sitting however, fatigues the postural muscles of the body and causes it to collapse.

When we slob into a lazy posture we lose the ability to use our primary breathing muscles (diaphragm and intercostals), and start relaying on our accessory breathing muscles (stress response breathing). 


The accessory breathing muscles are our hero’s after a run or workout, butif you’re not using them with the diaphragm, there is a strong chance you aren’t breathing adequately to maintain optimal brain function. 


This is yet another reason why we need to keep moving. Now I’m not sure about you, but when I practice alone, I always start learning, snacking or scrolling. This is why I’ve been so grateful for all the amazing teachers that have jumped online. When I'm flowing alongside you guys, my focus is much more likely to stay on the task at hand (another brain hack).


If you'd like to flow with me, I’m doing two weekly classes online.

Tuesdays at 6pm & Saturdays at 12pm 


Ok my beautiful friend, I'm off to go wash the dishes, AGAIN! See you on the mat.


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